[Scientific Journal cover picture] Sonochemically activated synthesis of gradationally complexed Ag/TEMPO-oxidized cellulose for multifunctional textiles with high electrical conductivity, super-hydrophobicity, and efficient EMI shielding

Scientific Journal cover picture

With increasing concerns over electronic device malfunctions and information loss due to electromagnetic interference (EMI), extensive studies have focused on developing effective EMI shielding techniques. Particularly, the rise of flexible and wearable electronics has spurred interest in EMI shielding textiles. Traditional methods using electro-conductive coatings on textiles often suffer from durability issues and poor conductivity. To address these challenges, we introduce a novel method of directly growing a silver (Ag) layer onto cellulose textile surfaces without any polymeric binder or adhesive. Using TEMPO-mediated oxidation and sonochemical activation, hydroxymethyl groups in cellulose were converted to carboxyl moieties, allowing for uniform Ag nanoparticle (NP) coating. This process ensures a strong Ag layer with a low sheet resistance of 1.02 Ohm sq−1 and high mechanical durability. The EMI shielding efficiency of the Ag-coated textiles reached 47 dB with a single layer and up to 69 dB with a triple stack, demonstrating significant potential for advanced EMI shielding applications.-Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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