[Scientific Journal cover picture] In Situ-Generated Reactive Oxygen Species in Precharged Titania and Tungsten Trioxide Composite Catalyst Membrane Filters: Application to As(III) Oxidation in the Absence of Irradiation

Scientific Journal cover

This study showcases a groundbreaking method for oxidizing arsenite (As(III)) to arsenate (As(V)) using prephotocharged TiO2 and WO3 (TW) composite particle-embedded inorganic membrane filters. These filters, charged with UV or simulated sunlight, can operate in the dark, utilizing in situ-generated reactive oxygen species (ROSs) to mediate the oxidation process. The efficiency of As(III) oxidation is notably influenced by the WO3 content in the filters, as well as the charging time and solution pH. The process halts once the TW filter is fully discharged but can be reactivated through recharging. This innovative method is both practical and environmentally friendly, offering a continuous solution for treating As(III)-contaminated water without the need for sunlight. -Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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