[Scientific Journal cover picture] Formation of Large Crystalline Domains in a Semiconducting Polymer with Semi-fluorinated Alkyl Side Chains and Application to High-Performance Thin-Film Transistors

Scientific Journal cover picture

Researchers have synthesized a new p-type polymer, PC12TVC5F7T, incorporating semi-fluorinated alkyl (SFA) side chains for use in organic thin-film transistors (OTFTs). The impact of these SFA side chains on the polymer’s morphology, molecular orientation, and crystalline structure was studied using various techniques including AFM, SEM, 2D GIWAXS, and DFT calculations. The SFA side chains led to the formation of large plate-like domains and highly crystalline structures with strong intermolecular stacking. This enhanced microstructure resulted in OTFT devices with impressive hole mobility of 1.91 cm² V⁻¹ s⁻¹, a notable achievement among poly(thiophene) derivatives. These findings highlight the potential of SFA side chains to improve charge carrier transport and overall performance in OTFT applications.-Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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