[Scientific Journal cover picture] A Fluoropolymer-Coated Nanometer-Thick Cu Mesh Film for a Robust and Hydrophobic Transparent Heater

Scientific Journal cover picture

To enhance optoelectronic devices with transparent heaters, studying droplet evaporation characteristics and surface wettability control is crucial. Researchers have coated an optically transparent, hydrophobic amorphous fluoropolymer, Cytop, onto a nano-thick copper (Cu) micromesh-based transparent conductor. This combination demonstrates high durability for transparent heaters, with a transmittance of 81.6% at 550 nm and a sheet resistance of 5 Ω sq–1. The addition of an ∼80 nm thick Cytop layer improves the thermal and chemical stability of the Cu micromesh-based heater without degrading performance. The evaporation time of water droplets on this hydrophobic surface is significantly delayed (by about 60–130%) compared to hydrophilic surfaces, due to a lower average evaporation flux. Furthermore, the hydrophobic heater surface prevents the coffee-ring effect and exhibits excellent icephobic and antifrost properties. These findings will aid in developing practical transparent heaters for self-cleaning smart windows, transparent actuators, chemical and biological sensors, and heating sources. -Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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