[Scientific Journal Cover] Nitrite-Induced Activation of Iodate into Molecular Iodine in Frozen Solution

Scientific Journal Cover

A new mechanism for the abiotic production of molecular iodine (I2) from iodate (IO3–) in dark conditions has been identified. While negligible at room temperature, the reaction between IO3– and nitrite (NO2–) in frozen solution at −20 °C rapidly produces I2, I–, and NO3–. This rapid reaction is due to the freeze concentration effect, where IO3–, NO2–, and protons accumulate in the liquid regions between ice crystals. This was confirmed using confocal Raman microscopy and UV-visible absorption spectroscopy. The process suggests that I2 production can occur in many cold regions, explaining higher-than-expected iodine levels in some polar areas.-Scientific Journal cover by scapiens


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