[Scientific Journal cover] Fabrication of Micro- and Nanopatterned Nafion Thin Films with Tunable Mechanical and Electrical Properties Using Thermal Evaporation-Induced Capillary Force Lithography

Scientific Journal cover

In this study, a new and simple method is introduced for creating micro- and nanopatterned Nafion thin films with customizable mechanical and electrical properties. By combining thermal evaporation-induced capillary force lithography with a swelling process, the method enhances the precision of the patterns. The mechanical properties and pattern accuracy can be adjusted by varying factors such as swelling time, polymer concentration, and curing temperature. Notably, impedance properties, especially at lower frequencies, are influenced by Nafion concentration and curing temperature, with 20% Nafion films showing more stable and lower impedance compared to 5%. This demonstrates the potential for tailoring both mechanical and electrical characteristics through controlled fabrication techniques. -Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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