[Scientific Journal cover design] Perovskite Solar Cells: Investigation of Defect-Tolerant Perovskite Solar Cells with Long-Term Stability via Controlling the Self-Doping Effect (Adv. Energy Mater. 17/2021)

Scientific Journal cover design

In article number 2100555, Mansoo Choi, Yun Seog Lee, and their team explore the self-doping effect on the light stability of perovskite solar cells (PSCs). Their findings reveal that although PSCs with Pb-rich and Pb-deficient conditions start with similar performance, Pb-rich PSCs degrade more quickly under light exposure, even in the absence of H2O and O2. The study highlights how photo-aging caused by imbalanced stoichiometry leads to voids, interstitials, and deep-level anti-site defects, even in inert conditions. This research provides valuable insights into improving the durability of PSCs.-Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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