[Scientific Journal cover design] Pb-Based Nanocomposite Anodes: New High-Performance Pb-Based Nanocomposite Anode Enabled by Wide-Range Pb Redox and Zintl Phase Transition (Adv. Funct. Mater. 2/2021)

Scientific Journal cover design

The rapid growth of Li-ion batteries has increased pressure on supply chains, highlighting the need for recyclable processes. In article number 2005362, researchers Eungje Lee, Seong-Min Bak, and their team have developed a potentially recyclable lead-based anode (Pb anode). This anode is synthesized using high-energy ball-milling to produce a self-limiting oxide-coated lead core embedded within a carbon matrix. The electrochemical cycling performance is impressive, showing 500 mAhg−1 with over 92% retention after 100 cycles. This development could play a crucial role in making Li-ion batteries more sustainable.-Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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