[Scientific journal cover design.142]Lithium-Ion Batteries: Carbon-Nanotube-Cored Cobalt Porphyrin as a 1D Nanohybrid Strategy for High-Performance Lithium-Ion Battery Anodes

Scientific journal cover

Sang Kyu Kwak, Sang-Young Lee, and their team present a carbon-nanotube-cored cobalt porphyrin as a 1D nanohybrid strategy for developing an advanced lithium-ion battery anode in article number 1806937. The unique chemical and structural properties of the nanohybrid enhance redox kinetics. The all-fibrous nanomat anode sheet based on this nanohybrid exhibits exceptional electrochemical performance, achieving approximately 226 mAh gsheet−1 and lasting for 1500 cycles at 5 C, along with impressive mechanical flexibility.-Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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