[Scientific journal cover design.134]Gel/Solid Polymer Electrolytes Characterized by In Situ Gelation or Polymerization for Electrochemical Energy Systems

Scientific journal cover design

A gel polymer electrolyte (GPE) combines the properties of liquid and solid electrolytes by entrapping a liquid electrolyte within a small polymer network. This mitigates issues like electrolyte leakage and flammability found in liquid electrolytes. However, incorporating GPEs into the pores of porous electrodes poses challenges. The focus here is on in situ gelation of GPEs within cells. By introducing a mixture of liquid electrolyte and monomer or polymer into a pre-assembled cell, followed by thermal gelation, the GPEs form seamlessly within the cell, covering electrode material pores and separators, thereby eliminating contact problems. Advanced functional GPEs also improve lithium-ion transference and capture transition metals from electrodes.-Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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