[Scientific journal cover design.128]Miniaturized piezoelectric energy harvester for battery-free portable electronics

Scientific Journal cover design

This paper presents a miniaturized energy harvester that uses two permanent magnets placed at both ends of a folded cantilever made with piezoelectric thin films. The innovative folded cantilever design effectively captures ambient vibrational energy across a wide frequency bandwidth, making it ideal for battery-free electronic devices. The mutual coupling technique significantly enhances the output performance of the energy harvesters. Additionally, the folded cantilever design offers better space efficiency compared to traditional rectangular designs. The optimally manufactured device achieved a broad frequency band and strong energy-harvesting capability, delivering a maximum output power of 41.6 μW with an impedance of 0.3 MΩ. Impressively, the energy harvester powered a pedometer entirely without a battery or external power source, showcasing its potential for self-powered electronics in vibrational environments.-Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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