[Scientific journal cover design.115]Analysis of Protein–Protein Interaction in a Single Live Cell by Using a FRET System Based on Genetic Code Expansion Technology

Scientific journal cover design

Hsp70 is known to bind directly to Bax, suppressing apoptosis. However, the mechanisms by which Bax dissociates from Hsp70 during apoptosis have remained largely unknown. In a recent study, researchers developed an efficient fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) system using Hsp70-YFP and a fluorescent amino acid (ANAP)-incorporated Bax, generated through genetic code expansion technology. This FRET system was applied to understand how apoptosis-inducing substances dissociate Bax from Hsp70. The study found that Bax activators binding to specific Bax trigger sites inhibited the Bax-Hsp70 interaction, whereas Bax activators blocking phosphorylation at the S184 site did not affect this interaction. Additionally, an inhibitor of the Hsp70-Hsp40 interaction blocked the Bax-Hsp70 interaction. p53 activators and death ligands enhanced Bax dissociation from Hsp70 by activating BH3-only proteins. These findings suggest that FRET systems with ANAP-incorporated and YFP fusion proteins are valuable tools for studying various protein-protein interactions.-Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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