[Scientific journal cover.97]Nanocluster Intercalation: Two-Dimensional Layered Hydroxide Nanoporous Nanohybrids Pillared with Zero-Dimensional Polyoxovanadate Nanoclusters for Enhanced Water Oxidation Catalysis

Scientific journal cover

Hyungsang Kim, Hyunsik Im, and their team have developed a novel oxygen-evolution reaction (OER) catalyst by fabricating Ni(OH)2 two-dimensional (2D) nanosheets intercalated with zero-dimensional (0D) polyoxovanadate (POV) nanoclusters. This unique combination induces the formation of a nanoporous, layer-by-layer stacking architecture. The intercalation of POV nanoclusters significantly enhances the OER activity of the Ni(OH)2, making it an effective catalyst in alkaline media. – Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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