[Scientific journal cover.100]Kinetic and Electrochemical Reaction Mechanism Investigations of Rodlike CoMoO4 Anode Material for Sodium-Ion Batteries

Scientific journal cover

Sodium-ion batteries are emerging as a highly promising power source for electrical energy storage systems due to the abundance of sodium and their cost advantages. High-performance electrode materials are crucial for their effective application. We present a monoclinic-type CoMoO4 material, synthesized using a simple solution method. By optimizing the calcination temperature, we achieved high crystallinity and rod-like morphology, confirmed by temperature-dependent time-resolved X-ray diffraction. When used as an anode for sodium-ion batteries, the CoMoO4 rods demonstrated initial discharge and charge capacities of 537 and 410 mA h g–1, respectively. The sodium diffusion coefficient in the CoMoO4 anode, measured using the galvanostatic intermittent titration technique, ranged from 1.565 × 10–15 to 4.447 × 10–18 cm2 s–1 during the initial cycle. The reaction mechanism, investigated using ex situ X-ray diffraction and X-ray absorption spectroscopy, indicated an amorphous-like structure and the reduction/oxidation of Co and Mo during the sodium insertion/extraction process. Ex situ transmission electron microscopy and energy-dispersive spectroscopy images of the fully discharged and recharged CoMoO4 anode revealed the preservation of the rod-like morphology and homogenous element distribution. – Scientific Journal cover design by scapien


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