[Science journal cover design] Transparent Thin-Film Silicon Solar Cells for Indoor Light Harvesting with Conversion Efficiencies of 36% without Photodegradation

Science journal cover design

With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT), indoor photovoltaics have garnered significant interest due to their potential in various IoT applications. This study explores the use of transparent hydrogenated amorphous silicon (a-Si) solar cells for indoor light harvesting. By employing high-gap triple layers, these solar cells achieve high shunt resistance, short-circuit current (JSC), and open-circuit voltage (VOC) under indoor lighting. Additionally, color-adjusting layers were added without compromising conversion efficiency. The solar cells reached a maximum efficiency of 36.0% with a transmittance of 20.44% under white LED light (3000 lx, 0.92 mW cm–2). Impressively, these transparent cells maintained over 99% of their original efficiency after 200 hours of continuous indoor illumination. These advancements could significantly enhance energy harvesting for IoT devices and promote integrated photovoltaic systems. -Science journal cover design by scapiens


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