[Science journal cover design] mHealth spectroscopy of blood hemoglobin with spectral super-resolution

Science journal cover design

Blood hemoglobin (Hgb) testing is common in clinical settings, but achieving noninvasive, continuous, and real-time measurements remains a challenge. Optical spectroscopy can provide noninvasive quantification but typically requires bulky equipment, limiting its use in mobile health (mHealth) technologies. This study introduces spectral super-resolution (SSR) spectroscopy, which transforms a smartphone’s built-in camera (RGB sensor) into a hyperspectral imager for precise blood Hgb analysis. By using statistical learning, SSR reconstructs detailed spectra from RGB data, enabling accurate blood Hgb measurement through a mobile app without needing personalized calibration. SSR demonstrates reliable performance across a wide range of blood Hgb values, suggesting that its integration into smartphones offers a mobile, simple, and affordable mHealth method.-Science journal cover design by scapiens


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