[Science journal cover design] Ionoskins: Ionoskins: Nonvolatile, Highly Transparent, Ultrastretchable Ionic Sensory Platforms for Wearable Electronics (Adv. Funct. Mater. 4/2020)

Science journal cover design

Hong Chul Moon and Yong Min Kim have developed non-volatile, highly transparent, and ultra-stretchable ionic sensory platforms for wearable electronics. These highly deformable gels are easily created by blending specially designed PMMA-r-PBA and [EMI][TFSI]. The resulting PMMA-r-PBA-based gels, known as ionoskins, are used in patch-type strain sensors. These sensors feature a simple device configuration, wide strain detection range, excellent stretching/releasing stability, non-volatility without encapsulation, and high optical transparency, making them ideal for wearable technology applications. -Science journal cover design by scapiens


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