[Science Journal cover design] Hybrid Capacitors: Metal–Organic Framework-Derived Anode and Polyaniline Chain Networked Cathode with Mesoporous and Conductive Pathways for High Energy Density, Ultrafast Rechargeable, and Long-Life Hybrid Capacitors (Adv. Energy Mater. 48/2020)

Science Journal cover design

Jeung Ku Kang and co-workers have developed hybrid capacitors that combine a metal-organic frameworks-derived anode with a polyaniline chain networked cathode featuring mesoporous channels, conductive networks, and high capacity units. These hybrid capacitors achieve impressive energy densities of 242 Wh kg−1 and ultrahigh power densities of 28,750 W kg−1. They allow for ultrafast charging within seconds using a photovoltaic charger and maintain long-life stability over 100,000 cycles.-Science Journal cover design by scapiens


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