[Science Journal cover design] Fabrication of Chiral Materials in Nano- and Microscale

Science Journal cover design

Artificial chiral materials at the nano- and microscale are gaining attention for their unique optical properties, particularly their interaction with circularly polarized light. Unlike natural chiral biomaterials, these artificial materials can exhibit strong and adjustable chiroptical responses across a wide range of frequencies, from ultraviolet to terahertz. These properties make them promising for applications in photoelectronics and biomedicine. However, the precise fabrication and manipulation of these small-scale materials remain challenging, and further improvements are necessary. This post offers an overview of the different types of artificial chiral materials, key factors influencing their optical properties, and fabrication methods, particularly those involving mechanical-instability-induced buckling and inclined-angle deposition. We also discuss potential applications and future perspectives in this field. -Science Journal cover design by scapiens


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