[Science Journal cover design] Divergent Syntheses of Indoles and Quinolines Involving N1–C2–C3 Bond Formation through Two Distinct Pd Catalyses

Science Journal cover design

A new Pd-catalyzed annulative coupling method for 2-alkenylanilines with aldehydes has been developed, using alcohols as both solvent and hydrogen source. These domino processes enable the synthesis of two important N-heterocycles, indoles, and quinolines, from the same substrate by adjusting reaction parameters, which appears to involve two distinct mechanisms. The choice of ligand and alcoholic solvent significantly impacts the selectivity and efficiency of these protocols. Notably, the formation of indoles successfully overcomes two major challenges: regioselective hydropalladation of alkenes and subsequent reactions between the resulting Csp3–Pd species and less reactive imines. -Science Journal cover design by scapiens


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