[Science Journal Cover design] Comparative study of rheological properties and preclinical data of porous polycaprolactone microsphere dermal fillers

Science Journal Cover design

Comparative Study of New PCL-Based Dermal Filler SF-01

In a recent study, researchers evaluated the physical properties and preclinical efficacy of two polycaprolactone (PCL)-based dermal fillers. The new filler, SF-01, was compared to a licensed PCL filler to assess rheological characteristics, safety, and effectiveness.

The results showed that SF-01 outperformed the licensed filler in initial volume increase and in vivo durability, with no migration of the injected filler. Additionally, SF-01 exhibited lower elasticity (G*, G′) and viscosity (G′′), potentially reducing foreign body sensation. Histological evaluations over six months confirmed its safety.

In conclusion, SF-01, a porous PCL microsphere–based dermal filler, demonstrated superior durability and shape retention compared to the nonporous PCL microsphere–based filler, while maintaining equivalent safety.


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