[Journal cover design.93]Glucose Sensing Using Surface-Enhanced Raman-Mode Constraining

Journal cover design

Managing diabetes mellitus requires constant monitoring and lowering of glucose levels to prevent complications. By tracking the glucose-induced shift in the surface-enhanced Raman-scattering (SERS) emission of mercaptophenylboronic acid (MPBA), we demonstrated fast and continuous glucose sensing in the physiologically relevant range of 0.1 to 30 mM. Numerical simulations verified the mechanism, showing that glucose binding to MPBA suppresses the “breathing” mode at 1071 cm–1 and activates the constrained-bending mode at 1084 cm–1, causing the peak shift. This reversible MPBA–glucose bonding allows for continuous glucose monitoring. MPBA-coated substrates maintained stable performance for 30 days, making this approach promising for long-term monitoring. We also successfully performed intraocular glucose measurements in ex vivo rabbit eyes using miniaturized SERS implants, achieving readings within ±0.5 mM of those from a commercial glucose sensor. – Journal cover design by scapiens


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