[Journal cover design.92]Direct Probing of Cross-Plane Thermal Properties of Atomic Layer Deposition Al2O3/ZnO Superlattice Films with an Improved Figure of Merit and Their Cross-Plane Thermoelectric Generating Performance

Journal cover design

There is growing interest in semiconducting superlattice films due to their low dimensionality, which enhances thermal power and phonon scattering at interfaces. However, direct experimental studies on all cross-plane thermoelectric (TE) properties, such as thermal conductivity, Seebeck coefficient, and electrical conductivity, have been challenging due to difficulties in measuring the Seebeck coefficient and electrical conductivity. Our novel technique addresses this by using sandwiched superlattice films between two embedded heaters and electrodes with Cu plates, allowing direct investigation of these properties in Al2O3/ZnO superlattice films prepared via atomic layer deposition. Combined with the cross-plane four-point probe 3-ω method, our measurements cover a temperature range of 80 to 500 K, providing significant insights into phonon and electrical transport in nanostructured materials. – Journal cover design by scapiens


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