[Journal cover design.83]Novel Vapor-Phase Synthesis of Flexible, Homogeneous Organic–Inorganic Hybrid Gate Dielectric with sub 5 nm Equivalent Oxide Thickness

Cover design

Organic–inorganic hybrid dielectrics are gaining attention for their potential to improve both the dielectric constant (k) and mechanical flexibility in gate dielectric layers for flexible and wearable electronics. Traditional solution-based hybrid materials face challenges in maintaining high dielectric quality when scaled down in thickness. To address this, our study introduces a novel vapor-phase synthesis method for creating ultrathin, homogeneous, high-k organic–inorganic hybrid dielectrics. Using initiated chemical vapor deposition (iCVD), we synthesized a series of hybrid dielectrics with 2-hydroxyethyl methacrylate and trimethylaluminum. This method allows precise control over thickness and composition, resulting in uniform, defect-free hybrid dielectrics. These dielectrics boast a high-k value of 7 and a low leakage current density of less than 3 × 10–7 A/cm² at 2 MV/cm, even with an equivalent oxide thickness under 5 nm. The dielectric layer also shows outstanding chemical stability, smooth surface morphology, and maintains its performance under tensile strain up to 2.6%. Organic thin-film transistors utilizing these hybrid dielectrics as the gate dielectric demonstrate hysteresis-free transfer characteristics and excellent mechanical flexibility with an operating voltage up to 4 V. This innovative iCVD process positions these hybrid dielectrics as promising candidates for high-performance, low-power flexible electronics. – Journal cover design by scapiens


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