[Journal cover design.80]Topographically Defined, Biodegradable Nanopatterned Patches to Regulate Cell Fate and Acceleration of Bone Regeneration

Journal cover

The natural bone-healing process can take weeks, months, or even years, depending on the injury size. While various studies have explored the use of growth factors in implantable biomaterials to speed up bone regeneration, these can have side effects such as nerve pain, infection, or ectopic bone formation. As an alternative, this study focused on biophysical guidance, using nanotopographical features to enhance osteoblast recruitment, migration, and differentiation without external stimuli. We developed a biodegradable poly(lactic-co-glycolic acid) nanopatterned patch (BNP) using solvent casting and capillary force lithography. Our results showed that BNP accelerated osteoblast migration and promoted osteogenic differentiation, including increased alkaline phosphate activity, mineralization, and calcium deposition. In vivo tests on mouse calvarial and tibia bone defects demonstrated that BNP-treated groups experienced faster and more compact bone regeneration compared to flat patches (BFP) at 4 and 8 weeks. These findings suggest that BNP with biophysical guidance could be an effective method for accelerating bone tissue regeneration through the enhanced migration of host cells. – Journal cover design by scapiens


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