[Journal cover design.64]Facile and highly efficient fabrication of robust Ag nanowire–elastomer composite electrodes with tailored electrical properties

Journal cover design

The fabrication of Ag nanowire (AgNW) patterns on a working substrate is essential for developing flexible and stretchable electronics. Traditional methods using a 2-D mask have significant limitations, including low material efficiency, difficulty in creating complex patterns, and vulnerability to edge damage. This study introduces the use of a 3-D mask combined with a vacuum filtration system to efficiently create complex AgNW patterns with sharp edges. The patterned AgNW/polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) electrodes, transferred from the membrane filter, exhibited anisotropic electrical properties and enhanced stretchability. Stability and reliability in long-term stretch/release tests were significantly improved by developing a PDMS/AgNW/PDMS sandwich structure. By optimizing AgNW deposition density and PDMS peel-off direction, the researchers fabricated robust stretchable electrodes with over 80% uniaxial strain and tunable gauge factors ranging from 0.07 to 520, a much wider range than previously reported. The method’s applicability was demonstrated by creating stretchable circuits that either maintained stable resistance or sensitively monitored various human motions, showcasing its potential for flexible/stretchable electronics applications.

-Journal cover design by scapiens.


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