[Journal cover design.59]Laser filament bottom-up growth sintering for multi-planar diffraction-limit printing and its application to ultra-transparent wearable thermo-electronics

Journal cover

We have developed a cost-effective digital fabrication method for creating high-resolution electrodes with 1 μm-grade width on multiple planes connected at an angle using an affordable light source.

This method involves laser filament growth sintering of nanoseed/organometallic hybrid precursors, derived from a low-cost ionic organometallic solution. The process improves the conductivity and resolution of the electrodes through bottom-up thermal crystallization and stable chemical transitions.

By modulating a conventional low-cost laser to achieve a Bessel profile, the growth sintering interaction is localized in a transversely elongated focusing area, allowing for the fabrication of ultra-transparent conductors with over 97% transmittance in the visible spectrum.

This technique was demonstrated by creating a transparent micro-heater for smart glasses, highlighting the potential for one-step manufacturing of functional wearable devices.

– Journal cover design by scapiens.


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