[Scientific Journal cover art] Structuring Pickering Emulsion Interfaces with Bilayered Coacervates of Cellulose Nanofibers and Hectorite Nanoplatelets

Scientific Journal cover art

In this study, we introduce a water-in-silicone oil (W/S) Pickering emulsion stabilized by in situ interfacial coacervation between attractive hectorite nanoplatelets (AHNPs) and bacterial cellulose nanofibrils (BCNFs). A bilayered coacervate forms at the W/S interface due to electrostatic interactions between the positively charged AHNPs and negatively charged BCNFs. This structure significantly enhances the interfacial modulus, and the BCNF bridges prevent droplet coalescence, ensuring emulsion stability. These findings highlight the potential of this bilayered coacervation system for use in pharmaceutical and cosmetic formulations.-Scientific Journal cover art design by scapiens


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