[Science Journal cover design] Light-Activated Gas Sensors: Optically Activated 3D Thin-Shell TiO2 for Super-Sensitive Chemoresistive Responses: Toward Visible Light Activation (Adv. Sci. 3/2021)

Science Journal cover design

In the pursuit of enhancing light-activated gas sensing, Seokwoo Jeon, Young-Seok Shim, Ho Won Jang, and their team introduce a novel UV-activated sensing method using highly periodic 3D TiO2 nanostructures. Featured in article number 2001883, this innovative design takes advantage of the large surface area of nanostructures, resulting in a remarkable 55-fold increase in light absorption. This leads to ultra-sensitive detection of NO2, with a detection limit of approximately 200 ppt at room temperature, showcasing significant advancements in gas sensing technology.-Science Journal cover design by scapiens


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