[Scientific Journal cover design] Shape-Controlled and Well-Arrayed Heterogeneous Nanostructures via Melting Point Modulation at the Nanoscale

Scientific Journal cover design

A novel method has been proposed for fabricating shape-controlled and well-arrayed heterogeneous nanostructures by altering the melting point of metal thin films at the nanoscale. This technique transforms silver nanofilms (AgNFs) into silver nanoislands (AgNIs), silver nanoparticles (AgNPs), and silver nanogaps (AgNGs) that are precisely ordered within gold nanoholes (AuNHs). The transformation depends on the diameter of the AuNHs, the thickness of the AgNF, and the heating temperature (120–200 °C). This method offers a fast, simple, and mass-producible process to create uniform, stable, and unique nanostructures. The high-density AgNGs inside AuNHs are used as surface-enhanced Raman spectroscopy (SERS) substrates, demonstrating performance enhancements 1.06 × 10^6 times greater than metal films, with a relative standard deviation of 19.8%. Additionally, AgNP/AgNI structures serve as non-reproducible anti-counterfeiting signs, verified through image processing. This method could significantly impact the nanofabrication of high-demand nanostructures.-Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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