[Scientific Journal cover picture] Large-Area and 3D Polyaniline Nanoweb Film for Flexible Supercapacitors with High Rate Capability and Long Cycle Life

Scientific Journal cover picture

Flexible, thin, and lightweight supercapacitors are essential power sources for portable and wearable electronics. However, their areal and volumetric performances often lag behind their gravimetric performance. This paper presents a solution with a large-area, thin, and flexible 3D polyaniline nanoweb film, designed to enhance these key metrics. The 3D nanoweb structure offers extensive ion-accessible active sites, short ion diffusion distances, and superior mechanical tolerance during electrochemical reactions. These electrodes achieve a high areal capacitance of 303 mF/cm² at 10 mV/s and retain 73% of their capacitance even at a high scan rate of 1000 mV/s. They also exhibit long-term cycle stability, maintaining 98.9% of their capacitance over 10,000 cycles. The all-solid-state flexible supercapacitors deliver impressive area-specific and volume-specific energy densities of 12.7 μWh/cm² and 1.0 Wh/L, respectively.-Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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