[Science journal cover design] Li Metal Anodes: Nonwoven rGO Fiber-Aramid Separator for High-Speed Charging and Discharging of Li Metal Anode (Adv. Energy Mater. 27/2020)

Science journal cover design

Sang Yoon Park, Jeeyoung Yoo, Youn Sang Kim, and co-workers have developed an advanced lithium (Li) metal anode by incorporating reduced graphene oxide (rGO) fibers with aramid paper as a conductive framework. This setup supports the stable growth of a solid electrolyte interphase (SEI) layer within the confined fiber structure. The rGO fibers also facilitate the formation of a chemically stable SEI layer containing LiF through a unique fluorine-doped mechanism. This innovation in Li metal anode design promises enhanced stability and performance for next-generation batteries.-Science journal cover design by scapiens


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