[Science Journal Cover design] Single-photon-driven up-/down-conversion nanohybrids for in vivo mercury detection and real-time tracking

Science Journal Cover design

A new multifunctional assay utilizing up-/down-conversion (UC/DC) nanohybrids has been developed for detecting and real-time tracking of hazardous molecules, ideal for photoluminescence (PL) point-of-care testing due to its cost-effectiveness and convenience. This innovative single-photon-driven UC/DC dual-modal PL nanohybrid system shows exceptional performance in detecting mercury in vivo and tracking it in mussels in real time. The system combines DC fluorophores for heavy metal ion screening with TTA-UC nanocapsules for real-time tracking, achieving ultra-sensitivity (under 1 nM) and high selectivity. This new assay represents a significant advancement in the field of PL nanomaterials and fluorophores, offering powerful analytical methodologies for in vivo target detection and real-time tracking.-Journal cover design by scapiens


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