[Science Journal Cover design] Self-Healing Electrode with High Electrical Conductivity and Mechanical Strength for Artificial Electronic Skin

Science Journal Cover design

We have developed an innovative self-healing electrode combining liquid crystal graphene oxide (LCGO) and silver nanowires (AgNWs). This composite electrode is both highly conductive and mechanically strong, overcoming traditional limitations of polymer and hydrogel-based materials. The electrode, which can be printed in various shapes like a butterfly and is just 3 μm thick, shows a maximum conductivity of 17,800 S/cm and strength of 4.2 MPa, significantly outperforming previous designs. It can self-heal in ambient conditions with moisture, recovering 96.8% of its electrical conductivity and 95% of its mechanical toughness. This makes it ideal for applications such as artificial electronic skin for monitoring human conditions and robotic sensing.-Journal cover design by scapiens


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