[Scientific Journal Cover] Light-Responsive, Shape-Switchable Block Copolymer Particles

Scientific Journal Cover

A new method has been developed to create light-responsive block copolymer (BCP) particles whose shape and color can be precisely controlled using light. This is achieved by designing surfactants with light-sensitive groups (nitrobenzyl esters and coumarin esters) that change their properties in response to specific wavelengths of light. These changes alter the surface and wetting properties of the BCP particles, allowing them to transform in shape, such as from spheres to ellipsoids, and in color. By using a combination of two light-responsive surfactants that react to different wavelengths (254 nm and 420 nm), selective shape transformations can be achieved. Additionally, these shape-switchable BCP particles can be incorporated into a patterned hydrogel film, demonstrating potential applications in high-resolution, portable displays.-Scientific Journal cover by scapiens


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