[Scientific Journal Cover] Abiotic Formation of Humic-Like Substances through Freezing-Accelerated Reaction of Phenolic Compounds and Nitrite

Scientific Journal Cover

A newly discovered abiotic humification pathway is highly accelerated in frozen solutions containing phenolic compounds and nitrite. At -20°C, the production of humic-like acids (HLA) and fulvic-like acids (FLA) was significant, unlike in aqueous solutions at 20°C. During this process, inorganic nitrogen transforms into organic nitrogen. Analyses using mass spectrometry and elemental techniques revealed that these humification products resemble natural humic substances. The freeze-concentration effect, where nitrite ions convert to nitrosonium ions that oxidize phenols to phenolic radicals, drives this reaction. Confocal Raman microscopy and electron paramagnetic resonance spectroscopy confirmed the concentration of catechol and nitrite ions at the ice grain boundary and the presence of phenolic radicals in frozen solutions, respectively. This study proposes a new model for abiotic humic substance formation under frozen environmental conditions. -Scientific Journal cover by scapiens


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