[Scientific Journal Cover] Simultaneous and Synergic Production of Bioavailable Iron and Reactive Iodine Species in Ice

Scientific Journal Cover

Bioavailable iron is crucial for all living organisms, and one major source is the dissolution of iron oxide in dust and soil. In polar regions, iodine influences ozone depletion, mercury oxidation, and cloud formation. Our study reveals that the reaction between iron oxides and iodide (I–) significantly accelerates in frozen conditions, producing bioavailable iron (Fe(II)aq) and tri-iodide (I3–), which is negligible in liquid water. This enhanced reaction is due to the freeze concentration of reactants in ice grain boundaries. Outdoor experiments in Korea and Antarctica confirmed this finding, suggesting a new abiotic source of bioavailable iron and active iodine in polar environments. The release of these elements when ice melts may impact oceanic primary production and cloud condensation nuclei formation.-Scientific Journal cover by scapiens


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