[Journal Cover Picture:169] Quantitative Serodiagnosis of Scrub Typhus Using Surface-Enhanced Raman Scattering-Based Lateral Flow Assay Platforms

[Journal Cover Picture

A new surface-enhanced Raman scattering-based lateral flow assay (SERS-LFA) technique has been developed for the rapid and accurate diagnosis of scrub typhus. The lateral flow kits, designed to detect O. tsutsugamushi IgG (a biomarker for scrub typhus), were tested with various clinical serum concentrations. By using Raman measurements, a calibration curve was established, allowing for the determination of clinical serum titer values. The SERS-LFA method was evaluated with 40 clinical samples and showed good agreement with the standard indirect immunofluorescence assay (IFA) method. SERS-LFA offers several advantages over IFA, including the need for less sample volume, simpler assay steps, shorter assay time, more systematic quantitative analysis, and longer assay lifetime. Moreover, SERS strips can be easily combined with a miniaturized Raman spectrophotometer, making field serodiagnosis more feasible.-Journal cover picture by scapiens


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