[Scientific journal cover design.109]Inverse Opal Photonic Gel Containing Charge Stabilized Boronate Anions for Glucose Sensing at Physiological pH

Scientific journal cover design

The cover picture highlights an inverse opal photonic gel (IOPG) sensor that exhibits a structural color change through Bragg diffraction of light. This occurs when glucose binds to a phenylboronate group within the IOPG, stabilized by a neighboring trimethylamino group. The formation of a 2:1 boronate-glucose complex causes the IOPG to shrink, changing its structural color from red to green. This innovative glucose-sensing IOPG was developed and studied by Wonmok Lee and coworkers, as detailed in article no. 1800416. This article is part of a special issue featuring five contributions on “Green Photonics.” -Scientific Journal cover design by scapiens


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