[Journal cover design.58]Controlling the residence time of a bouncing drop with asymmetric shaping

Journal cover

The dynamics of a drop bouncing on non-wetted surfaces has garnered significant attention due to the goal of minimizing the residence time of a drop on a surface. Traditionally, drop dynamics are constrained to circular symmetry with a theoretical residence time, making it challenging to alter this time. This study explores the bouncing dynamics of egg-shaped footprint drops, demonstrating that asymmetric shaping in an electrohydrodynamic device can control residence time.

The asymmetry and ellipticity of the drops reduce the residence time by nearly 28% compared to spherical drops. This unique impact behavior and reduced contact time are analyzed through geometric parameters and quantitative momentum analysis in simulations. The distinct bounce characteristics of the asymmetric drops have potential applications in areas such as maintaining dryness, anti-icing, and self-cleaning. – Journal cover design by scapiens


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