[Journal cover design.56]Electrospun Nanostructures for High Performance Chemiresistive and Optical Sensors

Journal cover

Chemical sensors have become crucial in recent years for environmental monitoring and healthcare. This review highlights recent advances in 1D chemiresistive-type sensors based on semiconductor metal oxides (SMOs) and optical-type sensors prepared by the electrospinning technique.

The authors discuss various synthesis techniques for creating 1D SMO nanofibrous structures with controlled microstructure and surface morphology.

They also describe innovative functionalization methods using bio-inspired templates for emerging nanocatalysts on 1D SMO nanofibers (NFs).

For optical-type sensors, the review introduces new classes of 1D NFs with specific absorption and emission properties, covering colorimetric and fluorescence sensors, as well as Raman and surface-enhanced Raman scattering sensors. The authors also explore future research directions to overcome current challenges and achieve high-performance chemical sensors. – Journal cover design by scapiens


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