[Journal cover design] Exceeding milli-watt powering magneto-mechano-electric generator for standalone-powered electronics


Unlike traditional magnetic energy generators that rely on bulky electromagnetic induction, magneto-mechano-electric (MME) generators offer a promising alternative. Utilizing the magnetoelectric coupling effect, MME generators convert stray magnetic noise into useful electric energy, making them ideal for wireless sensor networks (WSN) in the Internet of Things (IoT) and low-power electronics. A notable MME generator, featuring a Pb(Mg1/3Nb2/3)O3–Pb(Zr,Ti)O3 piezoelectric single crystal macro-fibre composite and a highly textured magnetostrictive Fe–Ga alloy, achieves an impressive rectified DC output power density of 3.22 mW cm−3. This high energy generation is due to the strong anisotropic properties of the materials. A smart watch with IoT sensors was successfully powered by this generator under a 700 μT magnetic field. – Journal cover design by scapiens

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