
Cover art

850 USD


It depends on the difficulty of the content.
Please contact to us.

Work flow


Please draw the image you want to depict based on the sketch examples.
The cover design will be created based on the sketch you send.
Here is the link to the sketch examples.

Sketch examples

Providing detailed information about the subject you want to depict, such as the texture and color of materials, will help achieve the most satisfactory results.


2. Additional Materials

If you send actual TEM or SEM images, we can create more realistic images.
For cover art with chemical structures, please provide the structure in one of the following
file formats to ensure accurate representation:

ChemDraw / Chem3D / Vesta / .pdb / .3dm / .wl / .stl / .dae / .obj

3. Fill out work order form

Please download and fill out the work order form with your prepared sketches and
additional materials (work order form link).

Send the completed work order form via email.

4. Production Timeline

After receiving the work order form, the responsible designer will consult with you on the design,
and you can expect a first draft within 4-7 business days.
If there are revisions, we will complete the final touches.
If you need a quick turnaround within 2-3 days, please contact us.

5. Delivery

We deliver the final product in the format specified by each publisher.
All images are completed in high resolution at 350DPI.

The produced images are safe from all copyright issues,
and published works are added to our portfolio.